Mystery Shopper Questionnaire

Mystery Shopper or Mystery shopping is a tool or Questionnaire forms used mainly by marketing companies, supervisory bodies to congregate information about there products and services. The questionnaire can also be used to gather information by companies internally to evaluate quality of service.

The research shows that Mystery Shopper Questionnaire was practiced from 1940’s. The Questionnaire was used to determine employee integrity by audio and video recording. Many Organizations like fast food chains, movie theaters and any small to large business organizations can take this   Mystery Shopper Questionnaire.

When company’s hire a client, they prepare a Mystery Shopper Questionnaire in order to agree upon standards to satisfy a client needs.

Sample Mystery Shopper Questionnaire

How quick is the service provided?
How is the Shopping store appearance?
How many employs work in the store?
What is the Age group and sex of employees?
What is the name of the employees?
What kind of products do they sell?
How long do they work?