Smoking Questionnaire

Smoking questionnaire is to evaluate how much a person is smoking and how to diagnose his help problem accordingly. Everyone is familiar with smoking..i mean 60% of people smoke and love to smoke. I always say to myself smoking should be banned, am also smoker, I think the whole night to quit smoking from the next day but it never happened. I stress smoking should be banned however no one is there to hear this. Many countries have banned public smoking, if the cops find any public smokers are charged. We know how harmful smoking is and every care about it. There are also smoking questionnaire for teenagers which tracks how teenagers are getting addicted and ruining there life’s.

I see even kids smoking which can be shocking but true. Kids normally learn very quickly from parents. You know what is passive smoking, very dangerous then smoking. Never sit with your smoking friends, husbands. Normally the smoking questionnaires are prepared by doctors for their sweet smoking patience’s. The info collected can be used to treat the patience’s from then. You can answer this questionnaire to yourself and change your smoking habits.

Sample questionnaire about smoking 

How did you start smoking?

Do thing smoking is for style?

How many cigarettes do you smoke every day?

Do you smoke as you get up from bed?

Have you ever tried stop smoking?

Do you think you will get support from your family members to quit smoking?

Does any of your family members smoke?

Tell me few good things about smoking?

What are health problems you have with smoking?

Do you know that smoking causes stress?

What alternative can you think of smoking?