Internal Control Questionnaire is a Questionnaire given to the employees of an organization or company before performing an assessment. These types of Questionnaire are provided by the auditor of a company. The benefits of internal control questionnaire are to have more effectual and faster audits. 

Internal Control Questionnaire provides best Evidence and Employee Controls. This questionnaire can provide evidence of an existing document or financial statement. 

Internal Control Questionnaire Sample 

Are all reports i.e. trial balance, transaction list etc maintained at the school? 
Are collective expenditure reports created every month and used to examine the budget? 
Are approximation of expenditure and profits prepared in advance of every financial year? 
Does the school have a discrepancy budget? 
Does the Principal validate that the number of pupils join per the budget statement be in agreement to the number submitted by the school on the annual statistical return? 
Are all difference between the count and inventory records explored and resolved?