Technology questionnaire is a survey which can be conducted on students, children and parents. The main aim for this questionnaire is know the advantages and disadvantages for technology.

To me technology is not used with purpose, the youth has just been using the technology in a way for which it was not invented. Children are treating the technology has a gaming platform and digital devices as their toys. So what has technology given us…signals, waves, blasts, and destruction? I feel a mobile phone was made for people to communicate with ease, but the scenario has changed, where we are preparing mobile bombs.
What about the web, it has been given people some social media sites and make friends, play games, and all that we did physically all these days. We have lost the charm of natural life; play all your games online without sweating. By now 70% of humans are addicted to these screens and very difficult to ignore.

Technology Questionnaire Samples:

  1. Do you know exactly why technology was evolved?
  2. Are you using the technology with purpose?
  3. How many digital devices you have?
  4. Is the size of mobile enough or you still need a smaller one with all the functions?
  5. How many hours do you spend before computers?
  6. Do you allow your kids to play games?
  7. How often your families play games outdoor?
  8. What advantages have seen using the latest technology?
  9. Do you think the technology will help you cure every disease?
  10. If technology has all the power, then why are we unable to stop global warming?