Directions questionnaire is a document which is used in allegation of court cases where 2 parties need to complete the direction questionnaire to give detailed information about the assertion and approximate amount in dispute. This questionnaire could be an n180 or n181 form for small claims.

This court forms is required by the court for case management. The court requires the parties to be settled before the hearing. When the court issues a deadline, the directions questionnaire must be submitted, there are 2 types of questionnaire one is fast track and other is multi track. Go through the sample directions questionnaire.

Directions questionnaire Sample:

I confirm that I have clarified to my client the need to try to settle; the options available; and the possibility of costs sanctions if they refuse to try to settle.

Given that the rules require you to try to settle the declaration before the hearing, do you want to attempt to settle at this stage?

 If Yes, do you want a one month stay?

If you answered ‘No’ to question 1, please state below the reasons why you judge it unacceptable to try to settle the claim at this stage.

The claim has been issued in the High Court. Do you consider it should stay there?

Is there any explanation why your claim needs to be heard at a court or hearing centre?

Have you made any submission (s) in this claim?

Have you reached contract, either using the Electronic Documents Questionnaire in Practice Direction 31B or otherwise, about the scope and extent of disclosure of electronic documents on each side?

Which eyewitness of fact do you intend to call at the trial or final hearing including, if appropriate, yourself?