“Clothes make the man”, In order to remember this sentence to every individual this Fashion market research questionnaire has been made. Besides Today everybody can look chic in inexpensive clothes buy don’t know where to buy and when to buy, but this questionnaire solves your problem.

Fill your details:

Name: ________________
Gender: _______________
How old are you:  ________________
Profession: _______________
Income: ______________
Area/ district you live: ______________

Fashion Market Research Questionnaire Sample:

How often you wear cotton clothes?
Specify your answer: ___________________

Which garment makes you feel more comfortable?
a)Cotton b) silk c) chiffon d) any other __________________

Which is your favorite garment?
a) Cotton b) silk c) chiffon d) any other __________________

What all compliments you got for the latest fashion dress you have worn for the last occasion?
Specify your answer: ___________________

What all bad comments you got for that dress? Mention?
Specify your answer: ___________________

Which color dresses you have more?
a)Red b) green c) yellow d) blue e) any other____________

What attracts you while shopping?

Do you have a habit of styling your hair according to your fashion?
a)Yes b) no c) not always

Which color you prefer more to wear?
a)Red b) green c) yellow d) blue e) white f) black g) any other____________

Which trend satisfied you more?
j)Any other ____________

Which latest fashion you worn for the first time?
e)Any other

Which latest fashion you worn for the last time?
e)Any other _____________

When you have worn that latest fashion trend?
Occasion name________________

The best fashion dress, according to you?
Specify your answer: _______________

Which period fashion is the best according to you?
a)1900’s b) 2000’s c) 1800’s d) 1700’s

If any gift is offered along with fashion clothes will you buy?
a)Yes if cloth is good b) No if cloth is not good

Is there any style that you dint follow yet?
a)Yes b)  no

How often you wear traditional?
Specify your answer: _____________

How often you wear western?
Specify your answer: _____________

How often you wear ethnic?
Specify your answer: _____________

Willyou buy all accessories whenever you purchase clothes?
a) Yes b)  no c) some times