We are conducting a questionnaire on motorcycle by assembling few questions in questionnaire on motorcycle to unveil the latest version and trend of motor cycles and bring awareness among the people who are willing to buy new motor vehicle.

Fill your details:

Name: ________________
Gender: _______________
How old are you:  ________________
Profession: _______________
Income: ______________
Area/ district you live: ______________

Sample Questionnaire On Motorcycle:

1. Which motorcycle you want to buy?
a) pulsar b)charisma c) CBR d) any other__________________

2. Which company motorcycle you prefer to buy?
a) Bajaj  b)Mahindra c)Hondas )other _____________

3. What exactly you wantin motorcycle?
a) Comfort b) stylish motorcycle c) any other _______________

4. How much money would you like to afford to buy a motorcycle?
a) 100-400$ b)400-500$ c) 500-600$ d)more than 600$

5. Which color motor do you prefer to buy?
a) Red b) black c) white d) any other _____________

6. Would you like to prefer mileage motorcycle?
a. a)yes b)no c) sometimes

7. How often will you give motorcycle to servicing?
a) Oncein 6months b) oncein 8months c) once in year d) none of the above

8. For whom you’re purchasing this motorcycle?
Specify your answer: _____________

9. Do you prefer costly motorcycle?
a) yes b)no c) some times

10. would you to buy flattened motorcycle?
a) yes  b)no

11. Which stylish motorcycle you like the most?
a) royal Enfield b) b)charisma c) CBR d) any other _________________

12. How much cc motorcycle would you like to buy?
a)150cc b) 350cc c) 500cc d) more
13. What kind of safety gear you are expecting to drive a motor vehicle?
   Specify your answer: _______________________________

14. What all you look at while purchasing a vehicle?
e)Any other ______________

15. Which engine you prefer in motor vehicles?
a)Duke axial b) gas c) Cadillac escalades d) any other __________

16. Where you prefer to book your motorcycle?
a) Online b) offline

17. Which size motor vehicle you want to buy?
Specify your answer: ____________

18. What are your needs before purchasing a motorcycle?
a)Long distance travelling
b)Ride in high traffic
d)Any other __________

19. Which hand motor cycle you want to buy?
a)New b) 2nd hand c) any other _____________

20. Which company bikes you like the most?
Specify your answer: ____________________