The latest trend followed by commons in buying hand bag can be known from the response given by people who answered sample hand bag fashion questionnaire. This questionnaire is organized and arranged different types of questions in order to gather all trend in purchasing hand bags.
Fill your details:
Name: ________________
Gender: _______________
How old are you: ________________
Profession: _______________
Income: ______________
Area/ district you live: ______________
Why do you prefer to wear handbag?
To gather attention
To carry something
All the above
Any other reason ____________________
Where you will buy your handbag?
Shopping malls
Bags show rooms
Any where
All the above
Any other reason ____________________
Would you like to buy only branded handbags?
a)Yes b) no c) not always
Would you like to buy any brand?
a) Yes b) no c) not always
Would you like to buy any hand bag not concerned with brand?
a) Yes b) no c) not always
How much you will spend on buying hand bag?
a) 10-20$ b)20-30$ c)30-40$d)4-50$ e) more than 50$
How often you purchase handbag?
a) Once a month
b) Twice a month
c) Once in 3 months
d) Once in 6 months
e) Whenever I need
f) Whenever I see new trend
g) Any other answer ___________________
The best hand bag you ever used?
Specify details _________________
What type of hand bags you like to purchase?
How many zips you prefer to buy?
a) 1 b) 2 c)3 d)4 e) more than 4 f) no zips
How many compartments you prefer in purchasing a hand bag?
a) 1 b) 2 c)3 d)4 e) more than 4 f) no zips
Would you like to gift hand bag to any one?
a) Yes b) no c) not always
Which material hand bag you prefer to buy?
a) Polyester
b) Silk
c) Cotton
d) Jute
e) Any
If someone gifts you trendy hand bag how you will feel?
Specify your answer: ________________
Which size hand bag you would like to wear the most?
a) Large
b) Medium
c) Small
d) All sizes
e) Any other answer: _________________
Fill your details:
Name: ________________
Gender: _______________
How old are you: ________________
Profession: _______________
Income: ______________
Area/ district you live: ______________
Hand Bag Fashion Questionnaire Sample:
Why do you prefer to wear handbag?
To gather attention
To carry something
All the above
Any other reason ____________________
Where you will buy your handbag?
Shopping malls
Bags show rooms
Any where
All the above
Any other reason ____________________
Would you like to buy only branded handbags?
a)Yes b) no c) not always
Would you like to buy any brand?
a) Yes b) no c) not always
Would you like to buy any hand bag not concerned with brand?
a) Yes b) no c) not always
How much you will spend on buying hand bag?
a) 10-20$ b)20-30$ c)30-40$d)4-50$ e) more than 50$
How often you purchase handbag?
a) Once a month
b) Twice a month
c) Once in 3 months
d) Once in 6 months
e) Whenever I need
f) Whenever I see new trend
g) Any other answer ___________________
The best hand bag you ever used?
Specify details _________________
What type of hand bags you like to purchase?
How many zips you prefer to buy?
a) 1 b) 2 c)3 d)4 e) more than 4 f) no zips
How many compartments you prefer in purchasing a hand bag?
a) 1 b) 2 c)3 d)4 e) more than 4 f) no zips
Would you like to gift hand bag to any one?
a) Yes b) no c) not always
Which material hand bag you prefer to buy?
a) Polyester
b) Silk
c) Cotton
d) Jute
e) Any
If someone gifts you trendy hand bag how you will feel?
Specify your answer: ________________
Which size hand bag you would like to wear the most?
a) Large
b) Medium
c) Small
d) All sizes
e) Any other answer: _________________