Bipolar disorder questionnaire is a survey form given to the patients visiting hospitals with the bipolar symptoms. The Bipolar disorder questionnaire should contain questions that exactly provide information to treat the patients in a perfect way. There two types of bipolar disorders 1 and 2, so having good question should give the doctor an idea on how to treat the patients. Bipolar disorder also called as manic depression has been occurring to people of various age groups and more in today's world with age groups of 15-25. A friend of mine had such symptoms, the disorder can also be called a split concept, but various as with manic depression the patient automatically switch to different modes.

My friend looks so happy for an hour’s and all of a sudden he used to become very sad. In case he is angry of something, he can break anything or through anything at others. I have also seen him eat more and sleep less. Individuals with Bipolar disorder behaves same with everyone, even with their family members they do the same.

Some causes of Bipolar disorder which I have know are, my friend developed such issue when he lost his dad, and the main problem was all the relatives, friends and business partners who were helped by his father, suddenly left them and didn't care there family and the next reason was his girl friend whom he loved the most left him after a few years for no reason. These two incidents in my friend’s life affected him so much that he always wanted to switch his mode not to show his sadness and some time love. In this case he develops such a Bipolar disorder that he was treated with ayurvedic medicines in India. Now he has recovered and feeling more relaxed leading a normal life.

The only thing i can say is, when you feel emotional do it. If you feel to cry, cry till you stop, if you feel happy, enjoy the movement. Never stop your emotions for others. This can lead to many more disorder other than bipolar. Below are the sample Bipolar disorder questionnaires that can help doctors to get answers from the patients.

Bipolar Disorder Questionnaire Sample:


Are you comfortable to fill the survey form at this movement?
What is your daily activates?
Have you any childhood memories that are haunting you till now?
Where did you spend your days as a child?
Do you stay with your mum and dad?
Do you love your family?
At any point in your life did you hate some one?
Was you schooling life fine? Did you have any issue with friends or teachers? If so what exactly?
Have you lost any of your loved ones?
Do you have a girl friend?
If you want to share something, with whom do you share it?
What career goals you have for the rest of life?
Do you think your parents treat you better than your friends?
From when exactly did you feel you were having a Bipolar disorder?
Do you get angry on silly things?
Are you comfortable studying abroad?
How any hours of sleep do you take per day?
Which situations made you emotionally distressed?
What do you eat the most?
Do you have alcohol, tobacco etc?