Night eating questionnaire is a survey that assists doctors, consultants, life planners, researchers, scientist to know what exactly happens with humans when eating at nights.

The night eating questionnaire is will answer questions related to overcoming night eating syndrome.

What exactly we can eat at nights and when to eat? If you take a look at our ancestors, the research shows that people at just after the sunset. It can be in the evening at 7 pm to 8PM. The food they consumed was very less quantity. It would be more of fruits or a juice. I most part of Asian countries you can see people having a glass of milk and go to sleep.

It’s said that having less amount of food at nights will make it easy for the body to digest and the blood circulation flows smoothly.

But, if you take a look at today's generations, over eating has become a habit and eating disorder scale has increased enormously. There is no treatment of night eating, as you are the one who need to take care of your health.

This questionnaire is also related to night-eating syndrome questionnaire. Talking about today's lifestyle we are all working in world's best MNC companies where we are love working for hours on the desk and by the end of the eat as much, we can at nights.

Indian's who once followed the best of eating habits have now gone the other way. The youth is working for companies in night shifts. Which is making then sleep the whole day and eat the whole night?

I have seen few Indian families where they have made it a habit of eating huge meals at nights, as all the family members move out in the mornings for work and they only see each other at night. So, they cook huge food and eat. This has become a habit of worldwide public and needs to be controlled to have a healthy life. Below are few questions that can help you know about night eating questionnaire.

Night Eating Questionnaire Sample:


What is your job profile?
Which company do you work for?
Do you know the problems with night eating?
DO you love eating at nights?
Did you have this habit from childhood?
Do you think you over eat at nights?
What food items do you consume at nights?
Do you feel comfortable eating heavy food at nights?
Have you ever felt any discomfort eating at nights?
Do you know the exact time when humans should consume the night meals?
Do you work in night shifts? If so when do you have your meals?
What food do you have at midnight's?
Do you know the reason why you are suffering from diabetics?
Do you know the reason why you have chronic diseases?