A behavioural finance questionnaire is used and useful for financial institutes like commercial banks, investment banks, insurance companies, Brokerages and investment companies. The behavioral finance questionnaire is a contrivance through which commercial establishments attempt to comprehend the asset related by judging people (Investors). With these questionnaire financial institutes comes to mutual conclusion on how an investor thinks ahead of making an investment decision.
Having the best of questionnaires can result in having successful investing, decision making and avoid the major hazards by financial institutes. For example the banks can understand better about the financial market behavior and make support investors make healthier investment decisions.
It’s the consciousness of financial decision making, where investor have fear about stock markets and with behabioural finance helps in decision making. Behavioural finance takes the insights of psychological research and applies then to financial decision making.
What is your attitude towards risk?
What do you look for when making an investment?
Do you invest to make investment to increase income, capital etc.?
One what commodity or assets do you use the investment, like Bonds, gold, equity shares etc.?
What is the time duration of your investment? In hours, weeks, days or years.
How soon do you expect the returns from the investments?
Are you happy to invest in any sector that is trending currently?
Do you make historical analysis before investing in anything?
What if you didn't receive the returns after investment?
Having the best of questionnaires can result in having successful investing, decision making and avoid the major hazards by financial institutes. For example the banks can understand better about the financial market behavior and make support investors make healthier investment decisions.
It’s the consciousness of financial decision making, where investor have fear about stock markets and with behabioural finance helps in decision making. Behavioural finance takes the insights of psychological research and applies then to financial decision making.
Behavioural Finance Questionnaire Sample:
What is your attitude towards risk?
What do you look for when making an investment?
Do you invest to make investment to increase income, capital etc.?
One what commodity or assets do you use the investment, like Bonds, gold, equity shares etc.?
What is the time duration of your investment? In hours, weeks, days or years.
How soon do you expect the returns from the investments?
Are you happy to invest in any sector that is trending currently?
Do you make historical analysis before investing in anything?
What if you didn't receive the returns after investment?