Cancer Questionnaire - Though the world says cancer is deadly disease, for me it is human created disease. Cancer questionnaire will help every patient to identify symptoms, causes and treatment.

I have one of my friend who had mouth cancer. At first when I heard the news, I was scared that I will lose him. But, he survived by taking the best ayurvedic medicine, He got cured completely in 6 months. To mention, you can get the medicine shipped anywhere in the world.

Contact - 91+9652317300 or email - This is Indian number, you can dial according to your country code. No chemo or radiation. Don't spend $$$$ ....

Slowly, my researched started and I found that the disease is caused due to human changed life style. Every cancer is caused due to consumption of unwanted and chemical foods. Let me mention few -

Processed Food
Fast Food
Junk Food
Detergent Soaps
Bathroom Cleaning Liquids
Packed Food

Cancer Questionnaire

Did your parents or grandparents have any kind of cancer?
What type of cancer do you have?
Did you consult any doctor regarding this issue?
What kind of changes do you see in the body?
Do you know that cancer means bad cells developing in certain part of the body?
Do you know that eating millents can cure any kind of cancer?