Fitness questionnaire is a questionnaire or survey which is taken to know if a person is healthy. When a person is totally fit that means he doesn't have any health problems. People today with the busy work schedule are never concerned about health and eating habits. They forgot that in process to earn money. The fast food centers are very much waiting to sell their half boiled food which are hard for the stomach to digest. When you are young you eat whatever you feel to but the problems arise once you cross 40 years.
The body can’t support further and falls sick. I have seen my neighbors where they wake up get ready have breakfast and make their journey to work. No one is really doing exercise which the body requires. The body is working for you 24 hours and you are not giving it right food, sleep and exercise. So when you go for a fitness program you will be asked these questions on fitness. You can also ask these to yourself. Every doctor says “your weight should according to your height” if you really work on this you will have good fitness levels.
Sample Fitness Questionnaires
Do you give importance to exercise in life?Do you exercise regularly?
Have you ever participated in fitness programs?
Have you ever educated any one about fitness?
Do you participate in group sports?
Do you participate in family fitness programs?
Do you love walking and hiking?
Are there any fitness training classes in your area?
Do you walk a lot when you go out or sit at a place?
Do you hit gym?
If so how often?
Do you think exercise is important part of life?
Do you smoke?
Do your friends also enjoy participating in fitness programs?
Do all of your family members love exercise?
Do you exercise from childhood?
Are you happy with the fitness levels now?
Do you train your children’s the same way?
Which indoor or outdoor games you play a lot?
How many liters of water do you drink per day?
Do you lift heavy weights?
Do you love raw or roasted food?