Job Recruitment questionnaire aims to assess knowledge of a recruiter on the recruitment process. It is given to recruiters to fill and they are supposed to answer several questions concerning the factors involved in the recruitment of a candidate.

A questionnaire tends to give the interviewer an inkling of ​​who you are, and what kind of skills you may have. Some surveys are done on a computer, where the future employee is asked many various issues striking and simple, spelling, mathematics, and even science or general questions of social sciences. Most often, it may also be an aptitude test that trying to give timed, or storing memories.

Job Recruitment Questionnaire Sample:

1. What are the factors taken into consideration when recruiting candidates for various positions?
2. Is what I can to assess the knowledge of the candidates using the same method?
3. Please identify the recruitment process followed in your company.
4. How is it important to know the classification of the candidate in his / her recruitment?
5. Do you feel that the experience of working of the candidate in his / her job?
6. Work experience is required for all positions?
7. Whether the answer to the question above is no, then please mention the positions in which job experience is not necessary.
8. How long have you been a part of the recruitment process?
9. What is the hiring process followed by you?
10. How shortlisted candidates for the first round of interview?
11. How many rounds of interview are performed while the staff entry level recruitment for the department operating
12. Whether the answer to the above question is "yes", then please mention the process.
13. Is there another a recruitment criterion of members of the administrative facility or service?
14. Whether the answer to the above question is "yes", then please sharing some details about it.
15. Are you satisfied with the recruitment process followed in your company?
16. Whether the answer to the question above is "No", then please share what all changes you would like to see.