Auto Insurance policy is acquired by vehicle owners to reduce costs allied with having a car accident. As an alternative of paying out of pocket for car accidents, people pay once a year premiums to an auto insurance company, the company pays all or most of the costs associated with a car accident or other vehicle damage.
An auto insurance questionnaire is a questionnaire used to analyze the insurance needs of a car. This questionnaire is useful for the company providing auto insurance, and is completed by the person who wants to get your vehicle insured. The questionnaire has details of the vehicle as the year of construction and working conditions.
In which year was the car manufactured?
Do you use any of the following safety devices in your car?
Security system or alarm
Anti lock breaks
Dual air bags
When was the last time the car got repaired?
Have you been using the car for personal purpose?
Do you have any loan on the car?
In which year was the car purchased?
An auto insurance questionnaire is a questionnaire used to analyze the insurance needs of a car. This questionnaire is useful for the company providing auto insurance, and is completed by the person who wants to get your vehicle insured. The questionnaire has details of the vehicle as the year of construction and working conditions.
Auto Insurance Questionnaire Sample:
In which year was the car manufactured?
Do you use any of the following safety devices in your car?
Security system or alarm
Anti lock breaks
Dual air bags
When was the last time the car got repaired?
Have you been using the car for personal purpose?
Do you have any loan on the car?
In which year was the car purchased?