A small business marketing strategy questionnaire can be very helpful for the business owners to know a better way to get the products or service sold. Every business has to implement some unique marketing strategy to first have their brand name advertised and then advertise their products and services.

Normal business structure is such that when a person starts a business he invest very little funds in the starting phase and then if he really has a good marketing team the business can boost its sales quickly and become popular locally or internationally. So a marketing manager plays a crucial role in planning a marketing strategy for small business.

He should have a complete knowledge about the service or product. He should always start with sample marketing strategy, to first let people know about the company. What the company is into and how it can service people. Now according to the modern trend we have the digital marketing strategy, internet marketing strategies and b2b marketing strategies, which when used effectively can reach large number of people worldwide. It is the task of the marketing manager to prepare a great questionnaire to shoot the company’s prospects. Below is the sample small business marketing Strategy Questionnaire, read through the questions and answer them, so that you can get an idea of how to plan and execute a marketing strategy.

Small Business Questionnaire Marketing Strategy

  1. What is the use and purpose of the product?
  2. Who is your target Audience?
  3. Do you want to target customer geographically?
  4. Where do you want sell the products? Either in a store or online?
  5. What are your advertising strategies?
  6. Do you have enough budget for marketing strategies?
  7. If the business boosts, do you have enough budget to spend on manufacturing more products, and how about spending amounts on labeling and packaging?
  8. Do you think you have got the best features in the product to do well than the competitors?
  9. What is your caption line for the product?
  10. For how long do you want the advertising campaign to run?
  11. If there is any defect in the product are you ready to provide replacement warranty?
  12. Is the marketing staff sufficient?
  13. Is the testing of the product error free?
  14. Is the price tag on product acceptable for common users?
  15. Do we implement the strategies using an of the top case studies?
  16. Do we make any event before taking the product live?
  17. Is it better to have a website and implement social media advertising?
  18. Is it good to have a feedback forms sent to customer after the product is purchased?
  19. How do we plan about advertising in magazine, yellow pages, news papers, radio, TV, email marketing and search engine?
  20. How many hours of training can we provide to the sales and marketing team?